HPS Buck-Boost Selector Tool Now Available
Posted: May 30,2011
General News Canada Products USA
Guelph, ON – Hammond Power Solutions (HPS) has unveiled a new, Internet based Buck-Boost Selector tool that selects the HPS UniversalTM Buck-Boost transformer that best matches the users application criteria.
The Buck-Boost Selector tool is based off of four easy steps. Users select the transformers phase, kVA or Amps, line voltage, and load voltage. The tool then displays the HPS Universal Buck-Boost transformer part number and connection diagram that best matches the criteria entered. Users are able to print the results for future reference.
To use the HPS Buck-Boost Selector, simply go to the HPS Tool Box Site www.hpstoolbox.com, and choose the Buck-Boost Selector link. The HPS Tool Box has other useful tools to assist in the selection of a transformer such as an Energy Savings Calculator tool as well as a Current Calculator tool.