Declarations & Certificates
Click on links below to view declarations & certificates:
- REACH Declaration
- RoHS Declaration
- Controlled Goods Certificate
- ABS: Certificate of Design Assessment
- Certificate of Compliance for HPS Cast Resin
- Declaration of Asbestos Free Compliance
- Modern Slavery Statement
- HPS Monterrey Plant 1 ISO 9001 Certificate
- HPS Monterrey Plant 2 ISO 9001 Certificate
- HPS Guelph Plant ISO 9001 Certificate
- HPS Walkerton Plant ISO 9001 Certificate
- HPS India Plant ISO 9001 Certificate
- HPS India Plant ISO 45001 Certificate
- HPS India Plant ISO 14001 Certificate
- HPS India Plant ISO 17025 Certificate
- HPS India Plant ISO 17025 Scope
- HPS Conflict Mineral Statement
- HPS Conflict Minerals Report
- Material Safety Data Sheet
- ABS Approval: Models CK, CKN, CF, CFN, CJ, CG
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Statement
- HPS Centurion R Declaration of Conformity
- HPS Fortress Declaration of Conformity
- HPS Imperator Declaration of Conformity
- HPS Spartan Declaration of Conformity
- HPS Fusion Declaration of Conformity
- HPS RM Declaration of Conformity
- HPS Titan Declaration of Conformity
- HPS Titan X IECEx Certificate
- Distribution up to 45kVA Declaration of Conformity
Quality Policy
- HPS Quality Policy - English
- HPS Quality Policy - French/Français
- HPS Quality Policy - Spanish/Español
Ontario Toxic Reduction Act Plan Summaries and Annual Report